イタリアの小売販売は11月に0.4%減少し,食料と非食糧の販売が減少した.Italian retail sales fell 0.4% in November, with food and non-food sales both declining.
イタリアの小売販売は11月に急に0.4%減少し,前月から減少を続けている.Italian retail sales unexpectedly dropped by 0.4% in November, continuing a decline from the previous month.0.1%減少した一方,非食糧品の減少率が0.1%上昇した.Food sales slightly decreased by 0.1%, while non-food goods saw a larger drop of 0.7%.年次小売売上高は前月2.6%から1.1%に減速した.Annual retail sales growth slowed to 1.1%, down from 2.6% the month before.