ダブリンのコノリー駅で 男が逮捕されました A man was arrested at Dublin's Connolly Station after a suspected firearm was reported on a train.
50代の男がダブリンのコノリー駅で逮捕されたのは,水曜日の夕方駅に到着した列車で不審な銃声が報告されたためであった. A man in his 50s was arrested at Dublin's Connolly Station after a suspected firearm was reported on a train arriving at the station on Wednesday evening. 警察は午後6時20分に報告書を受信し,駅を安全に避難させた. Police received the report at 6:20 PM and evacuated the station for safety. 銃は押収され 完全な技術検査を受けます The firearm was seized and will undergo a full technical examination. 警視庁は午後7時25分ごろに再開し,警察は、この事件についてソーシャルメディアで共有されている情報を検証するよう国民に警告した。 The station reopened around 7:25 PM, and police warned the public to verify information shared on social media about the incident.