中国の株式取引所は,経済復興の希望のなかに外国の投資家を誘致する改革を約束している. Chinese stock exchanges promise reforms to attract foreign investors amid economic recovery hopes.
中国の上海とシェンツェン株式取引所は,外国の投資家と協議し,改革と資本市場の開設を誓う. China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges held meetings with foreign investors, pledging to reform and open up the capital market. 出資者は中国経済の復興に自信を表明し,ハイテク製造や消費者電子機器などの分野により多くの投資をすると約束した. Investors expressed confidence in China's economic recovery and promised to invest more in sectors like high-tech manufacturing and consumer electronics. 中国当局は,近頃の透明性と回復力のある市場の構築を目指すとともに,株式市場の安定を図るための支援措置を導入した. Chinese authorities have introduced support measures to stabilize the stock market following recent volatility, aiming to build a transparent and resilient market.