中国の株式市場は2年連続で急上昇している。 政府の刺激によって投資家の自信が高まるから。 China's stock market surges to two-year highs as government stimulus boosts investor confidence.
中国の株式市場は,政令で定めるところにより急激な上昇を経験しており,その結果香港と本土の株が著しく高値に達し,2年にわたる高値に達した. China's stock market is experiencing a surge due to government stimulus pledges, leading to a significant rally in Hong Kong and mainland stocks, reaching two-year highs. 国内の貯金が市場に流れ込んでおり,平成9年度の貸付け金は260億円に上る. Household savings are flowing into the market, with margin financing hitting a nine-year high of $256 billion. 国内の経済資源へのこの回復力と移行は,米貿易の緊張にもかかわらず,外国と国内の投資家の両方を惹きつけている. This resilience and shift towards internal economic resources are attracting both foreign and domestic investors, despite US trade tensions.