祖母と14歳の孫娘がバトンルージュで射殺され、二人は安定状態だった。 A grandmother and her 14-year-old granddaughter were shot in Baton Rouge, with both in stable condition.
祖母と14歳の孫娘が木曜にバトンルージュで射殺され、両方が不死身の怪我を負った。 A grandmother and her 14-year-old granddaughter were shot on Thursday in Baton Rouge, with both sustaining non-life-threatening injuries. 事件はセント・ジェラード通りで起き,被害者はともに病院に運ばれた. The incident occurred on St. Gerard Avenue, and both victims were taken to the hospital. バトン・ルーズベルト警察は 捜査中ですが 容疑者は特定されていません The Baton Rouge Police Department is investigating, but no suspect has been identified yet. 彼らは一般の人々に情報を求めており、(225)389-4869または(225)344-7867で連絡できます。 They are asking the public for any information and can be contacted at (225) 389-4869 or (225) 344-7867.