シリア軍はホムスで発射し、逮捕と武器を目的としてアラウィート地区を対象とした。 Syrian forces launch operation in Homs, targeting Alawite districts for arrests and weapons.
シリアの治安部隊はホムス市で大規模な作戦を開始し,アラウィー派少数派の居住する2つの地区に焦点を当てた。 Syrian security forces have launched a large-scale operation in Homs city, focusing on two districts predominantly inhabited by the Alawite minority, a community linked to former President Bashar al-Assad. この作戦の目的は「戦争犯罪者及び犯罪に係る者」と,隠れた武器を見いだすこと. The operation aims to find "war criminals and those involved in crimes," as well as hidden weapons. 当局は,外出禁止令を発令し,部隊及び装甲車両を配備し,その結果,住民が逮捕され,警備の懸念が高まっている. Authorities have imposed a curfew and deployed troops and armored vehicles, leading to arrests and heightened security concerns among residents.