奇異な夫は、ナイジェリアの元妻の自宅に火をつけ、猛烈な火傷を引き起こしたと伝えられている。 Estranged husband allegedly sets fire to ex-wife's home in Nigeria, causing severe burns.
イタリアを拠点とする54歳の実業家、ティナ・ウイは、別居中の夫オサロ・アフンワンが仕掛けたとされるナイジェリアのエド州の自宅での元旦の火事をかろうじて免れた。 Tina Uyi, a 54-year-old Italian-based businesswoman, narrowly escaped a New Year's Day fire at her home in Edo State, Nigeria, allegedly set by her estranged husband, Osaro Ahunwan. 家とその内容を破壊した火災は,金と贈り物を含め,ティナが3度の火傷を負った. The fire, which destroyed her home and its contents, including money and gifts, resulted in Tina suffering third-degree burns. オザロとその共犯者、ティナの弟オダロ・オビアロボが逮捕された. Osaro and his accomplice, Tina's brother Odaro Oviarobo, were arrested. オーサロは,攻撃に必要な情報や資料をオダロから受け取り,火をつけることを認めた. Osaro reportedly confessed to setting the fire, receiving assistance from Odaro, who provided him with information and materials needed for the attack.