韓国の最高裁判所は,毒性低湿化剤の不祥事によりCEOに再審を命じている. South Korean Supreme Court orders retrial for CEOs in toxic humidifier disinfectant scandal.
朝鮮国の最高裁判所は,98人の死者と病気に関連した毒性消毒剤の製造で有罪判決を受けた2人の元CEO,Hu-ji-hoとAhn-Yong-chanに再審を命じた. The South Korean Supreme Court ordered a retrial for two former CEOs, Hong Ji-ho and Ahn Yong-chan, who were convicted of producing toxic humidifier disinfectants linked to 12 deaths and illnesses among 98 victims. 裁判所は4年間の懲役を取り消し,被害者の病気の唯一の原因が彼らの製品であることを示す証拠が不十分であると指摘した. The court overturned their four-year prison sentences, stating insufficient evidence to prove their products were the sole cause of the victims' illnesses. この事件は,韓国の最悪の消費者災害の1つで5,600人以上が被害を受けた有毒湿化剤による大きなスキャンダルの一部である. This case is part of a larger scandal involving toxic humidifier disinfectants, one of South Korea's worst consumer disasters, affecting over 5,600 people.