警察は銃撃の報告を受けてモンロービルモールを閉鎖し,モールは1時間後に再開した. Police locked down Monroeville Mall after gunfire reports; mall reopened after an hour.
警察は,日曜日の午後,ペンシルベニアのモンロービルモールで 銃撃の報告に応じた. Police responded to reports of gunfire at the Monroeville Mall in Pennsylvania on Sunday afternoon, leading to a lockdown. しかし,報告書には根拠がないことが判明し,1時間閉鎖後,モールは午後4時ごろに再開した. However, the reports were found to be unfounded, and the mall was reopened around 4 p.m. after an hour-long lockdown. 店員たちはモンロービル警察署から 警報を受け, 状況が明らかになった後, 営業は正常に戻った. Shoppers were notified of the situation through an alert from the Monroeville Police Department, and normal operations resumed following the all-clear.