アッカジアの立法人は国会で射殺され,他は負傷し,容疑者は逃げた. A lawmaker in Abkhazia was shot dead at parliament; another was injured, and the suspect fled.
ロシアが支持するグルジアの分離地域であるアブハジアの議員が議会ビルで銃撃され死亡しました. A lawmaker in Abkhazia, a breakaway Georgian region backed by Russia, was shot dead at the parliament building. 法律家Vhkutang Golandzaは,傷害で死亡し,もう一人が負傷した. Lawmaker Vakhtang Golandzia died from his wounds, and another was injured. 容疑者で同僚の議員アドグル・カラジアは、現場から逃走した。 The suspect, fellow lawmaker Adgur Kharazia, fled the scene. 動機はまだ不明であるが,ロシアとの投資契約をめぐってアッカジア大統領の辞職を余儀なくされた抗議に続いて,政治の混乱の中で起こった. The motive remains unclear, but it occurred amid political turmoil, following protests that forced the resignation of Abkhazia's president over an investment deal with Russia.