マルタの候補者は首相に近い弁護士に政府の職分を 監査するよう要求した. Maltese candidate requests audit of government's job allocations to a lawyer close to the Prime Minister.
独立候補者アーノルド・カソラは,ロバート・アベラ首相の親しい弁護士,ライアン・ペイスに11の公職を与えることを政府の決定を調査するよう,マルタの監査総監に要請した. Independent candidate Arnold Cassola has requested the Maltese Auditor-General to investigate the government's decision to grant 11 public jobs to lawyer Ryan Pace, who is close to Prime Minister Robert Abela. カッソーラは,その任命が適正で,納税者の価値を生ずるかどうかを疑問視している. Cassola questions if the appointments were merit-based and provide value for taxpayers. 職務は直接の命令で割り当てられたのか,それとも公開募集で割り当てられたのか,彼は尋ねる. He also inquires whether the roles were assigned by direct order or through public calls, suggesting it might be more beneficial to distribute these positions among other qualified professionals.