警察はオマハの 介護施設で殺人自殺を捜査中 老夫婦が死亡 Police investigate murder-suicide at West Omaha assisted living facility; elderly couple deceased.
ウエスト・オマハでは,警察が支援施設で殺人致死事件を捜査している. In West Omaha, police are investigating a murder-suicide at an assisted living facility. 88歳のダグラス・ヴァン・ホーンは86歳の妻エブリン・ヴァン・ホーンを自殺前に射殺したとされている。 An 88-year-old man, Douglas Van Horn, is believed to have shot and killed his 86-year-old wife, Evelyn Van Horn, before taking his own life. 事件は日曜日の夜遅く 施設に降り立った人達の報告があった後に起こりました The incident occurred late Sunday night after a call was made reporting individuals down at the facility. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.