チャタムの自宅で火災を消そうとした男が 燃え傷と煙を吸い込んだ A man suffered burns and smoke inhalation after trying to extinguish a fire in his Chatham home.
水曜日の夜、午後8時30分頃、オンタリオ州チャタムのティミンズクレセントにあるフォープレックスで発生した火災で男性が負傷しました。 A man was injured in a fire that broke out in a four-plex on Timmins Crescent in Chatham, Ontario, on Wednesday night around 8:30 p.m. 意識と警戒力のある58歳の居住者は,素手で火を消そうとし,煙を吸入した可能性がある. The 58-year-old occupant, who was conscious and alert, suffered burns to his fingertips after trying to extinguish the fire with his bare hands and may have inhaled smoke. 火災は寝室で始まり,地元消防隊,警察,非常用サービスが調査している. The fire started in a bedroom and is under investigation by local firefighters, police, and emergency services.