警察によると、デカルブ郡の駐車場で金をめぐる銃撃戦で死亡した男。 Man killed in DeKalb County parking lot during gunfight over money, police say.
ジョージア州デカルブ郡で 銃撃戦に発展した金銭の争いで 駐車場で銃撃で男が死亡 In DeKalb County, Georgia, a man was fatally shot in a parking lot on Flat Shoals Road after an argument over money escalated into a gunfight. 事件に関与していなかった被害者は,現場で死亡した. The victim, who was not involved in the dispute, died at the scene. 警察は事件を 殺人として捜査し 被害者と関係者の特定に 取り組んでいます Police are investigating the incident as a homicide and are working to identify the victim and the suspects involved.