インドで4ヶ月ぶりの虎児が死亡し,おそらく放棄後は飢えのためだろう. A four-month-old tiger cub was found dead in India, likely due to starvation after being abandoned.
マドヤプラデアのペンチ・タイガー保護区で4ヶ月ぶりの虎児の死体が発見された. A four-month-old tiger cub was found dead in the Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. 巡回隊によって発見された幼子は 飢え死にしたようです 弱体状態で母親に捨てられた後です 虎の雌の自然な行動です The cub, discovered by a patrolling team, appeared to have starved to death, possibly after being abandoned by its mother due to its weak condition, a natural behavior for tigresses. 死亡原因を特定するために 徹底的な調査が進行中です A thorough investigation including forensic examination is underway to determine the exact cause of death.