政府は港のデモ隊を倒して,貿易崩壊の最中に大規模な警察部隊を配備している. Government cracks down on port protesters, deploying large police force amid trade disruptions.
政府は,主要港で抗議者に対する前例のない弾圧を実施し,デモ隊を解散させるために大規模な警察部隊を配備している. The government has carried out an unprecedented crackdown on protesters at a major port, deploying a large police force to disperse demonstrators. 何週間も続いてきた抗議は,運送業と貿易を著しく混乱させた. The protest, which has been ongoing for weeks, has caused significant disruptions to shipping and trade. 当局は,議論の解決のための対話を呼びかけるとともに,その強硬なアプローチについて批判を浴びている. Authorities have been criticized for their heavy-handed approach, with some calling for dialogue to resolve the dispute.