江戸州知事は,銀行の口座を凍結し,管理のための国務省の再建を命じている. Edo State Governor orders bank account freezes and restructures state departments for oversight.
江戸州知事 月曜日のオッペボロは,更に通知されるまで,国家銀行の全口座の即時冷凍を命じ,不適性に対する厳しい罰則を課した. Edo State Governor Monday Okpebholo has ordered the immediate freezing of all state-owned bank accounts until further notice, with severe penalties for non-compliance. 彼はまた,道路及び橋の省令を労働省に返還し,前項の政令の施行中に完成した架け橋や著しい道路事業の欠如を示唆した. He also reverted the Ministry of Roads and Bridges to the Ministry of Works, citing a lack of completed bridges or significant road projects during the previous administration. 知事は,今後の決定をする前に調査を行うことを計画している. The governor plans to conduct investigations before making further decisions.