江戸県知事は,財政上の不正な主張で最高幹部を停職処分する. Edo State's Governor suspends top officials over financial misconduct allegations.
江戸州知事は,国家司法長官のサムソン・オサジー氏と地方行政委員会の議長であるダミアン・ローニ氏を,重大な財政不正行為の主張により停職処分した. Edo State's Governor suspended the state's Attorney General, Samson Osagie, and the chairman of the Local Government Service Commission, Damian Lawani, due to allegations of serious financial misconduct. 捜査委員会が 疑惑を調査するために 設置され 捜査が完了するまで 停職が続く An investigative committee has been formed to probe the allegations, with the suspensions remaining in place until the investigation is complete. 二 人 と も 3 か月 前 に 任命 さ れ まし た。 Both officials were appointed less than three months ago.