ヨーロッパの裁判所は,デイリー・メール出版社からの『費用』を要する法律で,言論の自由を侵害している. European court rules that requiring 'success fees' from Daily Mail publisher violates free speech.
欧州人権裁判所は,同日新聞社の出版社が,当該訴訟に勝訴した弁護士に対し,当該会社に対し"手数料"を支払わなければならないと裁定し,表現の自由の権利を侵害した. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Associated Newspapers Limited, the publisher of the Daily Mail, stating that requiring the company to pay "success fees" to lawyers who won cases against them violated their right to freedom of expression. 裁判所は,当該費用が不服であつて,イギリス政府に対し,費用1万5000ドルを支払うよう命じた. The court found the fees were disproportionate and ordered the UK government to pay the company €15,000 in costs. 大きめの成功料の決定は後ほど行う. A decision on the larger success fee will be made later.