女性が重傷 バリーランドルズ近郊で車とバスが衝突 23人の子供たちは無傷 道路は捜査のため閉鎖 Woman seriously injured, car-bus collision near Ballylanders, 23 children unharmed; road closed for investigation.
土曜日、リムリック州バリーランダーズの近くで、23人の子供を乗せた車とバスとの衝突事故で、女性が重傷を負った。 A woman was seriously injured in a collision between a car and a bus carrying 23 children near Ballylanders, County Limerick, on Saturday. 彼女は頭部に重傷を負ってコーク大学病院に運ばれ,他の4人は軽傷を負った. She was airlifted to Cork University Hospital with a serious head injury, while four others sustained minor injuries. 子供たちは誰も重傷を負わなかった. None of the children were seriously harmed. R513道路は閉鎖され,当局が事件の調査を進め,さらなる情報が待っています. The R513 road is closed as authorities conduct an investigation into the incident, and further information is pending. 救急隊はすぐに対応した. Emergency services responded promptly.