16歳のダブリン少年 銃所持の容疑で 逮捕 収容所が混雑したため 保証金で釈放 16-year-old Dublin boy charged with unlawful firearm possession released on bail due to overcrowding.
16歳のダブリン出身の少年が 銃所持の罪で起訴され オーバースタウン児童収容所が 混雑しているため 保証金で釈放されました A 16-year-old boy from Dublin, charged with unlawful firearm possession, was released on bail due to overcrowding at Oberstown Children Detention Campus. 裁判官は 公衆の安全を心配しながら 条件付きの保釈を許可した 午前7時まで 宵禁と 逮捕された仲間との接触禁止 Despite public safety concerns, a judge granted bail with conditions, including a 7 am curfew and no contact with his co-arrestees. 逮捕された他の4人は起訴されず 釈放され 検察長官の審査を待っている The other four individuals, arrested alongside him, were released without charges, pending review by the Director of Public Prosecutions.