ウェンドソー出身の男が 仮釈放の条件違反で逮捕された 停職中の運転も含む Windsor man arrested for violating bail conditions, including driving while suspended.
ウィンザー出身の29歳の男性は,保釈条件に違反して逮捕された. A 29-year-old man from Windsor was arrested for violating his bail conditions. 10月7日,自宅逮捕,電子監視,運転禁止を含む7つの違法関連容疑で釈放された. He was released in October on seven firearm-related charges, with conditions including house arrest, electronic monitoring, and a driving ban. 保証金遵守部と再犯者仮釈放執行部による調査の後,彼は11月29日に釈放命令に従わず,停車中に運転したとして逮捕されました. After an investigation by the Bail Compliance Unit and the Repeat Offender Parole Enforcement Unit, he was arrested on November 29 for failing to comply with his release order and driving under suspension.