レバノン首相ミカティはヒズボラの軍縮を呼びかけ,国連決議1701を支持し,軍人増員を提案している. Lebanese PM Mikati calls for disarmament of Hezbollah, supports UN Resolution 1701, and proposes increasing military personnel.
レバノン首相ナジブ・ミカティはパリの援助会議で,国と軍隊だけが武器を所有すべきであると述べ,暗黙的に,この国で重要な軍事的影響力を持つヒズボラを標的にした. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati stated at a Paris aid conference that only the Lebanese state and army should possess weapons, implicitly targeting Hezbollah, which maintains significant military influence in the country. 彼はイスラエルとの停戦を呼びかけ,国連安全保障理事会決議1701の実施を促し,レバノン南部での武装存在を制限した. He called for a ceasefire with Israel and urged implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which restricts armed presence in southern Lebanon. ミカティは,この立場を強め,国家主権を保証するために,軍事人材を増やすことも提案した. Mikati also proposed increasing military personnel to enforce this stance and ensure national sovereignty.