2024年 韓国: 不正規労働者の数は846万人に増加し,賃金労働者の38.2%を占め,正規雇用者は減少する. 2024 South Korea: Irregular worker count rises to 8.46 million, accounting for 38.2% of wage earners, while regular employees decline.
2024年8月,韓国では不規則労働者が増加し,前年比33万7千人増加し,846万人に達したと報告した. In August 2024, South Korea reported a rise in irregular workers, reaching 8.46 million, an increase of 337,000 from the previous year. これは正規雇用者数減少と一致し,14万7千人減って1369万人に下り,3年ぶりの減少となった. This coincided with a decline in regular employees, which fell by 147,000 to 13.69 million, marking the first decrease in three years. 不正規労働者は現在,賃金労働者の38.2%を占めています. Irregular workers now make up 38.2% of total wage earners. 医療やホスピタリティーなどのセクターでは 不正規雇用が増加し,製造業などの伝統的なセクターでは減少した. Growth in irregular employment was noted in sectors like hospitality and healthcare, while traditional sectors like manufacturing faced declines.