デリーでは、高速追跡中に飲酒運転の疑いのある車に車が突っ込まれたため、2人の警官が負傷しました。 2 officers injured in Derry as their vehicle was rammed by a suspected drink-driver's car during a high-speed pursuit.
北アイルランド警察の2人の警官が10月21日にデリーで負傷した.彼らの車は飲酒運転者の車に突っ込まれた. Two officers from the Police Service of Northern Ireland were injured in Derry on October 21 when their vehicle was rammed by a suspected drink-driver's car. 事件は警官がシルバーのメルセデスを止めようとした時に始まった 高速追尾に繋がった The incident began when the officers attempted to stop a silver Mercedes, leading to a high-speed pursuit. 容疑者は 警官の車と衝突し ドネガルへ逃げた 後で捨てられた車が発見された Despite deploying a stinger device, the suspect collided with the police vehicle and fled toward Donegal, where the abandoned car was later found. PSNIは、ドライバーを見つけるための情報とドライブレコーダーの映像を要求しています。 The PSNI is requesting information and dashcam footage to find the driver.