911の通報では 熊の攻撃で 男が殺されたが 捜査官は殺人だと判断した 911 call suggested bear attack killed man, but investigators determined it was a homicide.
911への電話では 熊がテントで人を殺したと 伝えられた A 911 call initially suggested a bear attack had killed a man in his tent. しかし,調査員達は後に事件が殺人だと判断し, 被害者は野生動物に襲われたのではなく, 殺害されたことを明らかにしました. However, investigators later determined that the incident was a homicide, revealing that the victim was murdered rather than attacked by wildlife. 捜査が続いていて 事件の詳細は公表されていません Further details surrounding the case have not been disclosed as authorities continue their investigation.