ボリウッドに繋がるインドの政治家がムンバイで殺害され,死は政治とボリウッドに衝撃を与えた. Indian politician with Bollywood ties killed in Mumbai; death impacts politics and Bollywood.
ボリウッドと密接な関係を持つ インドの政治家が ムンバイで殺害されました An Indian politician with strong connections to Bollywood has been killed in Mumbai. この事件は,政治と映画業界の両方で彼の知名度のために重要な注意を集めた. The incident has garnered significant attention due to his prominence in both politics and the film industry. 捜査が進むにつれて,彼の死と,地元の政治とボリウッドへの影響に関する詳細が明らかになる見込みです. Further details regarding the circumstances of his death and its implications for local politics and Bollywood are expected to emerge as investigations continue.