米国貿易赤字は5カ月ぶりの低点704億ドルに減った.これは石油と自動車の輸入が減ったためで,おそらく第3四半期のGDP成長を後押しした. U.S. trade deficit fell to $70.4bn, a five-month low, due to reduced oil and vehicle imports, possibly boosting Q3 GDP growth.
8月には米国の貿易赤字が11%減り,70.4億ドルとなり,5カ月ぶりの低水準となった.これは主に石油と新車輸入の減少による. In August, the U.S. trade deficit fell by 11% to $70.4 billion, a five-month low, largely due to decreased imports of oil and new vehicles. この減少は,第三四半期にGDPの成長率を上昇させる可能性がある. This reduction may boost GDP growth for the third quarter, which is projected at 3.2%. 財政赤字は前2四半期にGDPから引き下げられていた. The deficit had previously subtracted from GDP in the two preceding quarters. このニュースを受けて,ダウ・ジョーンズとS&P500を含む株式指数は,高値で開店すると予想されました. Following this news, stock indices, including the Dow Jones and S&P 500, were anticipated to open higher.