49歳のキース・トンプソンは襲撃の傷で死亡.警察は39歳の容疑者をイギリスモアキャンブで逮捕した. 49-year-old Keith Thompson dies from assault injuries; police arrest 39-year-old suspect in Morecambe, UK.
49歳のキース・トンプソン氏がヘイシャム・ロードにあるベイ・メディカル・センターの近くで 襲撃で受けた負傷で死亡したことで 殺人事件の捜査が進行中です A murder investigation is underway in Morecambe, UK, after 49-year-old Keith Thompson died from injuries sustained in an assault near the Bay Medical Centre on Heysham Road. 救急隊は彼を病院に運びましたが,彼は後に死亡した. Emergency services transported him to the hospital, where he later died. 警察は殺人容疑で 39歳の男性を逮捕しました Police have arrested a 39-year-old man from Lancaster on suspicion of murder. 当局は目撃者を捜し 調査が進む中で 周辺のパトロールを強化した Authorities are seeking witnesses and have increased patrols in the area as the investigation continues. トンプソンの家族は プライバシーを要請した Thompson's family has requested privacy.