保守党の元議員ジョナサン・ガリスは,彼の政治的信念が,教職の求職を妨げていると主張しています. Former Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis claims his political beliefs hinder his job search in teaching.
保守党の元議員ジョナサン・ガリスは,彼の政治的信念が,彼の議会席を失った後に,教職の探求を妨げていると主張しています. Former Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis claims his political beliefs hinder his job search in teaching after losing his parliamentary seat. 彼は教育における"目覚めた議題"が保守党に対する偏見につながり,インタビューを確保する能力に影響を及ぼすと主張している. He argues that a "woke agenda" in education leads to a bias against Tories, affecting his ability to secure interviews. 30以上の職に応募したガリスは この状況が学生と親の教育品質を損なう可能性があると警告しています Gullis, who has applied for over 30 positions, warns that this situation could harm the quality of education for students and parents. 教師は,教職で元議員が評価されなくなって心配を述べています. He expresses concern that ex-MPs are no longer valued in the teaching profession.