最高裁はミゾラム政府に 統一的な立場を提示するよう命じた 森林課と税務課の紛争を 3ヶ月以内に解決するよう命じた Supreme Court orders Mizoram govt to present united stand in court, mandates resolution of forest-revenue department disputes within 3 months.
インド 最高裁はミゾラム政府に,特に 1965年の通知に関連する森林と税務省間の紛争に関して,裁判所の訴訟で統一的な立場を提示するよう命じた. The Supreme Court of India has ordered the Mizoram government to present a unified position in court cases, particularly regarding disputes between its forest and revenue departments linked to a 1965 notification. 裁判所はガウハッティ高等裁判所に 控訴を再開し,3ヶ月以内に 解決を命じた. The court restored an appeal to the Gauhati High Court and mandated a resolution within three months. 開発プロジェクトに遅れを避けるため 省庁間の議論を促すよう 州長官に提案した. It also suggested the state's chief secretary facilitate discussions between the departments to prevent delays in development projects.