国連事務総長 グテーレス,バマコのテロ攻撃を非難し,責任と回復を要求した. UN Secretary-General Guterres condemns Bamako terrorist attack, calls for accountability and recovery.
国連事務総長アントニオ・グテーレス氏は,70人以上が死亡,200人以上が負傷した9月17日のマリのバマコのテロ攻撃を非難した. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the September 17 terrorist attack in Bamako, Mali, which targeted a gendarmerie complex, resulting in over 70 deaths and more than 200 injuries. 彼は犠牲者の家族に哀悼の意を表し,マリの移行政権に責任者の責任を保証するよう求めた. He expressed condolences to victims' families and urged the Malian transitional government to ensure accountability for those responsible. グテーレス氏は国連警備隊員を含む負傷者の迅速な回復を願った. Guterres also wished for a swift recovery of the injured, including a member of a UN guard unit.