家庭内暴力の歴のある 33歳のジェームズ・ブラッシャーが 家庭内紛争で アナハイム警察に 撃たれた 33-year-old James Brasher, with a history of domestic violence, was shot by Anaheim police during a domestic dispute.
ジェームズ・ブラッシャー 33歳 月曜日の夜に 家庭の争いの中で アナハイム警察に 撃たれた James Brasher, 33, was shot by Anaheim police during a domestic dispute on Monday night. 武装し、家庭内暴力の履歴を持つ彼は仮釈放中で、未解決の保釈令状を持っていた。 Armed and with a history of domestic violence, he was on parole and had an outstanding no-bail warrant. 病院に入院後 逮捕され 刑事犯罪と重度の暴行と 逮捕に抵抗した罪で 逮捕されました Following hospitalization, he was arrested on charges including felony aggravated assault and resisting arrest. オレンジ郡検察は この事件を調査中です The Orange County District Attorney's Office is conducting an investigation into the incident.