イエメンのラフジ州でフーティ支持政府軍との衝突が激化し,兵士2人が死亡し,人道的懸念が引き起こされた. Houthi-pro government force clashes in Yemen's Lahj province escalate, killing two soldiers and sparking humanitarian concerns.
9月14日,イエメンのラフジ州でフーシ武装勢力と政府支持者の間で衝突が勃発し,フーシ軍はラフジ-テイズ国境沿いの戦略的な山岳地帯を押収しようとした. On September 14, clashes erupted in Yemen's Lahj province between Houthi militants and pro-government forces as the Houthis attempted to seize strategic mountainous areas along the Lahj-Taiz border. 戦闘の結果,重兵器が使われた兵士2人が死亡し,5人が負傷した. The fighting resulted in two soldiers killed and five injured, with heavy weaponry involved. フーシは新たな領土を獲得しなかったが,軍事的位置を確立した. Although the Houthis did not gain new territory, they established military positions. 暴力により家族が避難し,2014年に始まったイエメン内戦が続いている中,人道的な懸念が高まっています. The violence has led to family evacuations, raising humanitarian concerns amid Yemen's ongoing civil war that began in 2014.