面接パネルの料金は220万ユーロで,退職した公務員は144万ユーロを支払った. Ireland spent €2.2m on interview panel fees, with retired civil servants accounting for €1.44m.
2023年にはアイルランドは公共部門の職面の面接委員会で働く個人の手数料に220万ユーロ以上を費やしました. In 2023, Ireland spent over €2.2 million on fees for individuals serving on interview panels for public sector jobs. この金額の3分の2近くは退職した公務員に割り当てられ,合計144万ユーロでした. Nearly two-thirds of this amount went to retired civil servants, totaling €1.44 million. 半国家機関の元従業員は175,601ユーロ,民間部門のメンバーは627,987ユーロを稼ぎました. Ex-employees of semi-state agencies received €175,601, while private sector members earned €627,987. 公務員は1日130ユーロから377ユーロ,民間部門の従業員は1日130ユーロから469ユーロの賃金を得ています. Remuneration varies by seniority, with civil servants earning between €130 and €377, and private sector members between €130 and €469 per day.