フォレストパークの列車で 4人が撃たれて死亡 容疑者は逮捕 捜査中 4 people shot dead on a train in Forest Park, Chicago; suspect apprehended, investigation ongoing.
早朝、フォレストパークでシカゴ地域の列車で4人が射殺された。 Four people were shot dead on a Chicago-area train in Forest Park early in the morning. 警察は午前5時半ごろに事件の報告を受け,3人の被害者が現場で死亡し,4人目の被害者は病院で死亡しました Police received reports of the incident around 5:30 a.m., with three victims pronounced dead at the scene and the fourth later at a hospital. 警察は監視カメラの映像を使って 容疑者を逮捕し 銃を回収した Authorities apprehended a suspect using surveillance footage and recovered a firearm. 捜査は進行中です The investigation is ongoing.