ボストン・メディカルセンターの近くで 2人の歩行者が衝突 生命を脅かす負傷 警察が捜査中 2 pedestrians struck near Boston Medical Center, life-threatening injuries, police investigating.
月曜日の夜,約20時46分にボストン医療センターの近くで, 車が2人の歩行者をぶつけた. On Monday evening, a vehicle struck two pedestrians near Boston Medical Center at approximately 8:46 p.m. 被害者は2人とも 生命を脅かすような怪我を したので 病院に運ばれました Both victims sustained life-threatening injuries and were taken to a local hospital. ボストン警察の殺人捜査班が 事件を捜査中ですが 逮捕はなし 動機も不明です The Boston Police Homicide Unit is investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made, and the motives remain unclear. 交通は一時的に停止されました 当局が調査を進めていた間. Traffic was temporarily blocked off as authorities conducted their investigation. 更に更新が期待されています Further updates are anticipated.