首都地域は7月に7つの竜巻で記録的な高温,湿度,降雨量増加を経験しました. Capital Region experienced record heat, humidity, and increased precipitation, with seven tornadoes in July.
この夏,首都圏はより暑く湿った季節に直面し,昨年の最高気温を上回る89度 (6月21日) の最高気温を記録しました. This summer, the Capital Region faced a hotter and more humid season, recording a peak temperature of 89 degrees on June 21, surpassing last year's high. 8月の降雨量はアルバニーで7.98インチに達し,全体的な降雨量増加に貢献した. Rainfall in August reached 7.98 inches in Albany, contributing to an overall increase in precipitation. 7月中旬には7つの竜巻と激しい雷雨が大きな被害をもたらした. Seven tornadoes and severe thunderstorms caused significant damage in mid-July. 州気象局は 秋の最初の週に 普通の気温と乾燥状態を予測し 季節を通して 普通の気温と降雨の確率を 予想しています The National Weather Service forecasts normal temperatures and dry conditions for the first week of fall, with a likelihood of above-normal temperatures and precipitation throughout the season.