25歳の女性を拘束 新生児が ダンデンロン北の自宅の外で 危篤状態で発見された 25-year-old woman detained; newborn found in critical condition outside Dandenong North home.
メルボルン州ダンデンロン・ノースの家屋の外で生命を脅かすような傷を負った新生児が,病院に入院し,危篤状態でした. A newborn baby found with life-threatening injuries outside a home in Dandenong North, Melbourne, was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. 赤ちゃんは金曜日の午前2時40分に グラッドストン・ロードで発見され 同じ住所に住む25歳の女性も 病院に運ばれ 警察の監視下に置かれています The baby was discovered at 2:40 AM on Friday on Gladstone Road, and a 25-year-old woman from the same address was also taken to the hospital, where she remains under police guard. ビクトリア警察の捜査官が 現時点で事件を調査中です 情報を入手できる方は 連絡してください Victoria Police detectives are currently investigating the incident, and anyone with information is urged to contact them.