連邦検察は 州知事ジム・ジャスティスの家族会社から 579,041ドルの MSHAの罰金を請求します U.S. Attorney's Office seeks payment of $579,041 in MSHA penalties from Governor Jim Justice's family companies.
連邦検事局は、ジム・ジャスティス知事の家族経営企業(Southern Coal Corp.を含む)を、鉱山安全衛生局(MSHA)の罰金579,041ドルの未払いで対象としています。 U.S. Attorney's Office targets Governor Jim Justice's family-owned companies, including Southern Coal Corp., for non-payment of $579,041 in Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) penalties. 会社は支払いの不可能なことを証明するか 破産を宣言しなければなりません 連邦検察は 財政上の困難を主張する主張を 拒否しているからです Companies must prove their inability to pay or declare bankruptcy, as the U.S. Attorney's Office rejects their financial difficulties claim. 会社は以前,500万ドルの分期支払いに同意したが,全額支払っていない. The companies had previously agreed to pay $5.1 million in installments, but have not made the full payment.