オマハ警察官が 37歳の男性を 麻薬と銃器の捜索令状の捜査で撃った Omaha police officer shoots 37-year-old man during narcotics and firearms search warrant operation.
オマハ警察官が37歳の男性を撃った 78番街で麻薬と銃器の捜索令状の捜査中 Omaha police officer shoots 37-year-old man during narcotics and firearms search warrant operation on 78th Avenue. 警察は SWATチームと共に 容疑者の犯罪歴を考慮して 逮捕状を発行した The police, with a SWAT team, served the warrant due to the suspect's criminal history. 警官は容疑者に遭遇すると銃器を発射し、容疑者はCPRを受け、重体で病院に搬送されました。 The officer discharged their firearm upon encountering the suspect, who was given CPR and transported to the hospital in critical condition. 捜査は進行中です The investigation is ongoing.