37歳のキャメロン・フォードは 捜査令状の執行中に アダム・ヴェイル警官に 撃たれて死亡した 37-year-old Cameron Ford was fatally shot by Officer Adam Vail during a search warrant execution in his home.
オマハで警察官が 銃撃戦を起こし,38歳のキャメロン・フォードが 8月28日に死亡しました. An officer-involved shooting in Omaha resulted in the death of 37-year-old Cameron Ford on August 28. 警官のアダム・ベイルは、フォードの犯罪歴のためにSWATの支援を受けて、彼の自宅で銃器と麻薬の捜索令状を出している間にフォードを撃った。 Officer Adam Vail shot Ford while serving a search warrant for firearms and narcotics at his residence, aided by SWAT due to Ford's criminal history. フォードは重傷を負い,後に病院で死亡した. Ford was critically injured and later died in the hospital. オマハ警察と 他の機関が 捜査中です An investigation is underway involving the Omaha Police Department and other agencies. 詳細については,9月1日に記者会見が予定されています. A press conference is scheduled for September 1 to provide further details.