58歳のメルボルン男性 娘を守るために撃たれた 警察はランダムに 市民の助けを求めています 58-year-old Melbourne man shot protecting daughter; police treat as random, seek public help.
メルボルンの南東部の58歳の男性が 家に追われていると信じていた娘を 守ろうとして 腹部に撃たれた 58-year-old man in Melbourne's southeast was shot in the stomach by a stranger while trying to protect his daughter, who believed she was being followed home. 父親が容疑者の車に近づいて 衝突が起こり 犯人は逃走した The father approached the suspect's car, leading to an altercation and the shooter fleeing the scene. 被害者は重症で病院に運ばれ 警察は事件を ランダムな攻撃と捉え 被害者や娘 射手との間に 繋がりはないと The victim was taken to the hospital in serious condition, and police are treating the incident as a random attack with no connections between the victim, his daughter, or the shooter. 当局は地域のパトロールを増やし CCTV映像や市民からの情報を 求めています Authorities plan to increase patrols in the area and are seeking CCTV footage or information from the public.