巨大なカルガリー火災は木曜日に3軒の家に影響し,猫が救助され,調査が進行中です. Large Calgary fire on Thursday affects three homes, one cat rescued, investigation ongoing.
広大な火災は木曜日の朝,カルガリーのリバーベンド地区で発生し, 3つの家屋とガレージに火災が起きました. A large fire in Calgary's Riverbend neighborhood on Thursday morning affected three homes and a garage, starting in a detached garage and spreading rapidly. 燃え盛った時,住人が2つの家の中にいたが,全員が安全に避難した. Two households had residents present during the fire, but everyone safely evacuated. 一匹の猫は最初行方不明と報告されたが,消防士によって発見され,獣医に運ばれる前に蘇生作業を行った. One cat was initially reported missing but was found by firefighters, who provided resuscitation efforts before transporting it to the vet. カルガリー消防署と火事捜査官が 原因を調査中です The Calgary Fire Department and arson investigators are probing the fire's cause.