16歳の学生が自動車事故で死亡 16歳の運転手がストップサインで止まらなかったが,別の車と衝突した. 16-year-old student dies in car crash; 16-year-old driver failed to stop at stop sign, collided with another vehicle.
16歳のコリンズビル高校生が自動車事故で死亡. 16歳の運転手はストップサインで止まらなかった. 4人を乗せた別の車と衝突した. 16-year-old Collinsville High School student dies in a car crash; 16-year-old driver failed to stop at a stop sign, collided with another vehicle carrying four people. 37歳の女性と43歳の男性が重傷を負った一方,11歳の子供と1歳の子供たちは治療を受けましたが 病院には入院しませんでした A 37-year-old woman and a 43-year-old man were critically injured, while an 11-year-old and a 1-year-old were treated and not admitted to the hospital. オクラホマ州高速道路警察が 捜査中です Oklahoma Highway Patrol is investigating the incident.