韓国では今年21件の熱による死亡が報告され,熱波で70万3000頭の家畜と89万5000頭の魚が死亡しました. 21 heat-related deaths reported in South Korea this year, with 703,000 livestock and 895,000 fish deaths during the heatwave.
韓国では今年,熱に関連した死亡者21人が報告され,5月20日から8月11日の間に熱関連疾患の2,293人が治療を受けたと,内務省と安全省は述べています. 21 heat-related deaths reported in South Korea this year, with 2,293 heat-related illness cases treated between May 20 and Aug 11, according to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety. 熱波は家畜や水生生物にも影響を及ぼし 70万3000頭の家畜と 89万5000頭の養殖魚が死亡しました The heatwave also affected livestock and aquatic life, causing 703,000 livestock deaths and 895,000 cultured fish deaths. 熱波は続くと予想され, 熱帯の夜に西部の地域と沿岸地域が予測されています. The weather agency expects the heatwave to continue, with tropical nights predicted for western regions and coastal areas.