日本では,実質賃金は6月に1.1%,名目賃金は1997年以来の最も速いペースで4.5%上昇した. Japan's real wages rose 1.1% in June, with nominal wages increasing 4.5% at the fastest pace since 1997.
日本では6月にインフレ調整後の実質賃金が 2年近くで初めて上昇し,名目賃金は30年近くで最速のペースで上昇した. Japan experienced a rise in inflation-adjusted real wages for the first time in nearly two years in June, with nominal pay increasing at the fastest pace in nearly three decades. この成長は,日銀の賃上げがより広く広がっているという信念を裏付けている. This growth supports the Bank of Japan's belief that wage increases are becoming more widespread. 実質賃金は6月に1.1%,名目賃金は4.5%増加し,1997年1月以来の最も速い成長となった. Real wages rose 1.1% in June, and nominal wages increased by 4.5%, the fastest growth since January 1997. 労働力不足のなか,賃金を上げている企業が増えるにつれて,より高いボーナスが増加に寄与した. Higher bonuses as more firms raised wages amid a labor shortage contributed to the increase.