サスカチュワンの RCMPは 精神衛生サービス法の下で 拘束中の男性の死亡を 医療上の苦痛で調査しています Saskatchewan RCMP investigating death of man in custody under Mental Health Services Act after medical distress.
サスカチュワンのRCMPと重篤な事件対応チーム (SIRT) は,メンタルヘルスサービス法の下で拘束された後,医療上の困窮に陥ったポンテイクスの男性の死について調査しています. Saskatchewan RCMP and Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT) are investigating the death of a man in Ponteix who went into medical distress after being taken into custody under the Mental Health Services Act. 警察官は当初、医療支援の報告を求められ、応急処置のために男性を拘束し、その後、さらなる医療支援のために彼を連れ去った。 Officers were initially called for a medical assistance report, took the man into custody for first aid, and later removed him for further medical assistance. 救急隊の努力にもかかわらず,彼は現場で死亡したと宣言されました. Despite paramedics' efforts, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. サスカチュワンの検死官の検死が行われ,SIRTは調査を監視する. An autopsy by the Saskatchewan Coroner's Service will be conducted and SIRT will monitor the investigation.