ケララ州政府は,地震の影響を受けた地域を訪れ,意見を共有することを科学者に制限する勧告を撤回した. Kerala's government withdraws advisory restricting scientists from visiting landslide-hit areas and sharing opinions.
ケララ州政府は、科学者がワヤナドの地滑り被害を受けた地域を訪れ、メディアと意見を共有することを禁じる勧告を撤回した。 Kerala's government has withdrawn an advisory that prohibited scientists from visiting landslide-hit areas in Wayanad and sharing their opinions with the media, following outrage from the scientific community. 州の救援担当者は以前 科学技術省の事務局長に 災害被害地域への訪問や 情報を公開しないよう指示した. The state's relief commissioner had previously asked the principal secretary of the department of science and technology to direct institutions not to visit disaster-affected areas and refrain from sharing information with the public. 政府は科学者が意見を述べることを妨げている政策はないと主張し,救助,回復,再建の努力を優先させる重要性を強調しています. The government maintains that there is no policy preventing scientists from expressing their views, and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing rescue, recovery, and rehabilitation efforts.