54歳のジェスモンド・ガット,マルタの法医科室の囚人,頭部怪我で死亡.捜査は進行中. 54-year-old Jesmond Gatt, inmate at Malta's forensic unit, dies from head injuries; investigation ongoing.
54歳のジェスモンド・ガット (Jesmond Gatt) は,マルタのマウント・カルメル病院の法医科室で,火傷容疑で保釈を待っていた囚人であり,頭部に怪我を負って死亡した. 54-year-old Jesmond Gatt, an inmate at Malta's Mount Carmel Hospital's forensic unit, awaiting release on bail for arson charges, died after suffering head injuries. 彼の死因は 警察の捜査下にあり 司法上の捜査も進行中です The circumstances of his death remain under investigation by the police, and a magisterial inquiry is ongoing. ガットの死は病院の荒廃状態を批判し,政府は今後4年以内に閉鎖する予定です. Gatt's death has sparked criticism of the hospital's run-down state, with the government planning to close it within the next four years.